Quantum Environmental Group is an environmental and hazardous waste materials contracting company that provides a wide range of services in the areas of soil decontamination and remediation, hazardous materials abatement, emergency response services, site remediation, brownfields development, and water treatment.
The challenge
Founded in 1992, Quantum Environmental Group quickly grew from a three-person operation specializing in asbestos removal to a full-service environmental remediation company with more than 300 employees and several offices across Canada. As the company expanded, its founders realized that they needed to raise Quantum’s profile within the industry in order to be considered for larger projects.
Strategy and execution
Whalebone Productions worked with Quantum on a strategy to transform its image from a small, entrepreneurial start-up offering a single service to that of a well-capitalized, diversified company capable of handling larger, more technically challenging and complex projects.
Working with the company’s founders, Whalebone guided the company through a strategic planning process that involved key members of the organization. Through this process, Whalebone helped the company to identify its achievements, and to consolidate its various operations under one brand name for marketing purposes.
High quality promotional materials were critical to Quantum’s ability to raise its profile in the industry. Whalebone developed a new look for the company by updating its logo, creating a 16-page corporate brochure, and revamping its website – strategies that helped to re-position the company as a large, well-established, professional organization.
Other initiatives we identified included effectively packaging Quantum’s story so that its founders succeeded in winning an Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award, and producing a series of full-page print ads in key trade publications, showcasing a selection of Quantum’s large, high profile projects.
Receiving the prestigious Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year award provided the company’s founders with an opportunity to tell their story to a wider audience, build credibility within their industry, and strengthen team spirit. Armed with new, professionally-produced promotional material, Quantum secured several projects it would not otherwise have been considered for.